Swept Away

Been seeing a lot of beautiful things while in Stockholm...

The harbor near the hotel. Sweden is comprised of thousands of islands, so there's water and boats a plenty.

A side street near the hotel. I love horses and any kind of art about them makes me happy.

Feather Island.

Lot of water means lots of fresh seafood. Lunch on Feather Island.

Boat ride to Feather Island. I wore my white summer dress, fave ring, wishbone necklace that I bought while at a Derby Dolls game, Zara jacket, random sunnies. I think dude in the background is feeling my outfit, don't you think?


Live From Sweden!

Sweden has totally lifted my spirits. It's amazing how doing what you love can make the world feel so much better. Stockholm is a wonderful and vibrant city crawling with gorgeous people and beautiful old buildings. This morning I got up and went for a walk around this harbor right across from the hotel and walked along cobblestone streets watching people walk and bike to work. It was magical. My whole life, I've dreamed of traveling and I feel so blessed to be doing it.

But what's really important is...SHOPPING. Naturally. A person as broke as I am has no business doing any kind of shopping but c'mon, now. It's Stockholm! One of the most fashionable cities in the world! I'll have more pics soon but for now check out what I got at H&M. I know, I know...there are H&M's in the states but I don't know if they're selling this:

I'm in love with this necklace and the booties are just too cute for words. Hope everyone is doing well!


How I'm Feeling Lately

Been resting from blogging. Why? Dunno. There have clothes and accessories that have been purchased. A trip to Sweden coming up. But also, a job that has been lost and a future to figure out. So until that all gets sorted out, outfit posts seem a bit contrived and artificial. I'll be back after Sweden when hopefully, I'll be refreshed and recharged.



R.I.P. Naomi Sims

I just learned about this beautiful lady via Jezebel. A model/psychology student/business woman who hung with Dali and Warhol? That's the kind of life I'm talking about, people.

Check out her bio in the NYTimes